
Recurring task manager, plus.

Keep track of what you want—or need—to get done,
on the regular.

I know what you’re thinking,
“Not another task app!?”.

Here me out.

EchoTasks is a recurring-first task manager.

You can kind of think of EchoTasks like streaks, but not really.

You can set an interval, and frequency during that interval, for the tasks you want to track.

As time progresses, you can mark tasks as complete, skipped, or incomplete.

In addition to tasks, you can keeps notes on each task.

You can add as many notes to a task as you want.

Notes let you keep track of additional information leading up to the completion of a task.

You can use them however you want, but also log key metrics (we’ll get to these)*

So, have some takss that you need to start tracking?

Now, on to the “plus” features

Metrics Tracking

Assign metrics to tasks and notes that you want to track for a task.

Metric Rollups

Roll up metrics for tasks and notes to track totals and differences over time.

Metric Trends

View trends for metrics over time to better understand your progress.

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© 2024 — EchoTasks